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Barriers to Implementing Strategy

In business and across all departments, Managers should be developing formal plans and strategies to achieve organisation objectives (both long term and short term).

It is commendable to see Managers capable of strategising, seeing the big picture, creating the master plan and vocal in outlining recommendations, comments or feedback on what should be achieved. The problem does not often lie in this step, but in the implementation of the plan where failure is often prevalent.

The objective in sight is often not the difficult part, but often the failure lies in formalising the strategies and plans, outlining the required resources, knowledge, skill and possible risk contingencies needed to overcome to achieve the strategy.

Staff members assigned should possess professional communication, project skills and solid dedication to the achievement of organisation objectives. The identification and assignment of individuals with the adept capabilities, skills, knowledge and drive will be the key to the implementation of your objectives outlined in your strategy. Depending on your organisation size, you may need a combination of key employees from various departments to influence decisions, support communication and work flow outputs to achieve your desired outcomes. Long or short term strategic implementation often relies on a team effort to be achieved and requires the outlining of specific, timely, realistic and achievable milestones. I highly recommend a project management approach to all required strategy actions.

Often overlooked is the risk management contingency and communication plan which should be an integral part of your initial planning.

It takes courage and wisdom from Management to acknowledge that without the right people, resources and planning, all too often, the best layed out plans and strategies will fail.

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